Statement on Cloning
International Center
1333 South Kirkwood Road
Saint Louis, MO 63122-7295
(314) 965-9917, ext. 1402
FAX (314) 996-1119
E-mail: [email protected]
Office of the President
The Reverend Dr. Gerald B. Kieschnick
President of the Synod
As always in issues that deal with the sanctity
of human life, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod adheres
to the fundamental truth that life begins at conception. This
church body will always reaffirm and celebrate life, and we
will always protect the sanctity of human life.
The Synod, at its 1998 Synod convention, passed a resolution
directing its members to "reject without reservation as contrary
to God's Word any technique or method of human cloning that
results in the destruction of human embryos or the creation
of human embryos for the purposes of fetal tissue research
or organ harvesting or transplantation."
The current cloning debate revolves around whether so-called
therapeutic cloning should be permitted under law. Since "therapeutic
cloning" would result in the destruction of human embryos,
we reject this practice as contrary to the Word of God and
our 1998 resolution. It is for this reason that The Lutheran
Church-Missouri Synod supports the Brownback Cloning Ban,
Senate Bill S. 1899, since this bill clearly bans not only
reproductive cloning, but also so-called therapeutic cloning.
-The Rev. Dr. Gerald B. Kieschnick, President
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod |